Thursday, August 16, 2007

Finally, its happened, I became invisible!

When I was younger especially in college, I tried very hard to be a wallflower and not be noticed, but it rarely worked.

The only time I can remember was when I was about 27. I had gotten a haircut I like to referred to as the "twinkie do", and went to the Minneapolis Strictly Business Computer Show. I had some money to spend, about 20K and no one even noticed I was in their booths. So i started playing with their computers. No one noticed! They did eventually notice their screen savers had somehow changed to say "I'd rather be a Mac."
In fact, I was still in one booth when it was discovered but still no one noticed me, I was amazed! A few days later, I flew off to Germany to attended the Hanover Cebit where I had no problem being notice wearing the same outfit, "twinkie do" and all. I actually got all the information I needed, plus seriously wined and dined! I got rid of the "twinkie do" when I got back home but my hair stylist and I still reminisce about it sometimes.

I had heard that when women become a certain age they become invisible, and today I realized it was true, I have become invisible.
Usually there are people and rabbits around my apartment building, and the neighborhood also has a lot of rabbits. When I come home at night there is a usually a rabbit looking at my headlights and chumping on something. Sometimes the rabbit says and sometimes it takes off when I close the car door. I never really thought of why that was until today.

As I was walking to the post office, a rabbit come out in front of me to eat some grass, I kept walking and the rabbit kept eating, I was within 6 inches of the rabbit and it didn't even notice me. Thinking about it I realized the rabbits take off when I am with other people (most of whom are younger than I) and they stay when I am alone.

Suddenly it dawned on me, I have become invisible to RABBITS! How this can be possible is beyond me, but I guess its a good thing as I am allergic to them...
I am wondering if rabbits are color blind because if you had this combination of colors next to you, wouldn't you notice?


Anonymous said...


You're funny.


Laurie said...

Invisible is good.

Adela said...

Maybe the rabbits recognize your positive energy!