Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Just had my first tomato from my balcony

It was very good! I ate it with some fresh sweet basil also from my balcony.

I have 5 tomato plants on my balcony and a few tomatoes are on them, but only 1 was anywhere near ripe.  The cucumbers are just starting to flower.  I hope everything gets ripe before the first frost.  The leeks are very thin, look just a bit thicker than the chives ;-(

I have thyme and basils-sweet, thai, cinnamon, and lemon. I had 3 thymes but only the creeping one is left.

We have had some bad weather here but at least most of my plants survived the storms.

1 comment:

Adela said...

The basil went to seed and the tomatos got plowed under about a month ago. We are still harvesting cucumbers, though we planted a second round. What's a frost? :-)