Tuesday, June 26, 2007


The movie screening invites were flying in the last couple weeks of my job, I only had time for a few.  The movie "Evening" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0765447/ was one of them. I saw it in one of those lovely new stadium seating theaters, and although they did the spiel about no recording devices, they weren't cell phone nazis like at some screenings. 

Its about dying and death, but its a very warm hearted film about dying and death. There are parts that are a bit sad, my companion was teary eyed. My companion said something about thinking it was going to be a "chick flick"  but it really wasn't.  Having never seen Beaches I am not quite sure what a chick flick is, but anyway.
It was a great film, fantastic actors, not so sure about the costumes but it was a Hungarian director shooting a US based filmed.  Hugh Darcy was fantastic!!!  Mamie Gummer did a great job! 

There was a very interesting Q &A with the director, Lajos Koltai afterwards. His message he said was "Don't forget to ask the questions before its too late." He told us his history, he had been a cinematographer for 35 yrs and it certainly shows in the film.  He did a great job of using flash backs to float between time in the story.  At one point in the story there is this moth that a character follows, and he explained the trails of finding the right moth and then animating it. When talking about various characters perceptions he said he understood it well as he has an older sister who has completely different memory for the same things as he does.

I asked the director the time line in making the film and he said from Feb.-June 2007. 2 months prep work, 40 days filming, 3 months editing, fixing and music. It is an amazingly good film especially considering the time line. It sounded like it was a love fest on the set. At times they would listen to music like Chopin, think feelings and then read the scene.  The director did lots of nice things, hugs, eat with everyone, tell them how happy he was they were in his movie (and he really seemed to be thrilled that everyone was), he also gave individual notes instead of public ones. It sounded like he really tried to make working on the film a pleasant experience.  I have gone to quite a few Q&A's with directors and 2 of them really stand out- Lajos Koltai, and Wim Wenders as being great directors and cool people in general.

When I went to see this movie I wasn't sure I was up to it, lots of people around me have cancer, the company bit the dust, I am was so tired and soon to be unemployed, but I really enjoyed it. It made me smile and took me away from all that for a while.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Belly dancing on YouTube

The founder and head of my belly dance school has a short piece on youtube
I can't watch it but you can:


Monday, June 18, 2007

Death at a Funeral part 2

So last Tuesday night I ended up seeing yet another screening of "Death at a Funeral" so another friend could go with me. It was a zoo.

The first time I showed up at the appointed time, gave my name, got checked off the list, bought some snowcaps walked into the theater and sat down. Last night was totally different.

I get to the theater at the appointed time, 6:30, go to give my name and am told that the list hasn't arrived. Am asked for my email confirmation which I didn't bring because it said you do not need to bring it, and besides the first time was no problem. soon there is a line of people waiting for the list, there is also a line of people with their emails, studio passes, etc..

At almost 7 a guy shows up with the list. Its 4 pages long, and the names are in random order. "To make it easier" someone copies the list so two people now have a 4 page multi column list. I had suggested that they each take two pages, but...
I am like 8th in line and I find my name, get my tickets and then go stand in the other line.

At one point the theater gets so frustrated that they stop checking the list and give everyone tickets The movie is supposed to start at 7 but there isn't a theater available so there is a long line snaking its self outside the theater and around the building. It is about 90 with a bright somewhat setting sun. I am in the inside line. At about 7:30 we get into the theater and they start the film. My friend got me a Fiji water, flat bottled water from Fiji, she got it because it was the only water but why would someone want water from Fiji??? esp at $4.00 a bottle? It tasted fine, but still...

I didn't mention the opening credits in my previous review, but they are pretty cool. The film was just as good the second time round, and the very end just as unbelievable.
I didn't mention that the facial expressions in the movie are amazing before but I should have. I make a lot of faces myself, but some of the ones in the movie were just pricelessly expressive.
I was laughing hard through much of it even I knew what was coming. I still recommend it!

An announcement was made that it will not be opening until August now, so you'll just have to wait a bit longer to see it.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

I am winning, I am winning, I am winning...

Hidden down at the bottom of Laurie's blog pageis our walking challenge. I challenged Jack to keep up with me, and for a while he out walked me,but I am afraid that my original contention that I can out walk him maybe true after all, at least it is at the moment.

Laurie graciously agreed to be score keeper and also join us in walking. Her numbers are quite respectable for one who has not been walking as much as Jack and I have over time.

"The Walk Challenge

  • Total Steps to Date
  • Jack...386,838
  • Susan..393,765
  • Laurie.182,061

  • Week 1 (5/13/07 - 5/19/07)
  • Jack....67,568
  • Susan...69,357
  • Laurie..38,634

  • Week 2 (5/20/07 - 5/26/07)
  • Jack...150,501
  • Susan...77,752
  • Laurie..41,081

  • Week 3 (5/27/07 - 6/2/07)
  • Jack....74,037
  • Susan...54,750
  • Laurie..37,247

  • Week 4 (6/3/07 - 6/9/07)
  • Jack....48,759
  • Susan...79,352
  • Laurie..33,308

  • Week 5 (6/10/07 - 6/16/07)
  • Jack....45,973
  • Susan...86,242
  • Laurie..31,791"

  • Saturday, June 9, 2007

    Everything tastes better with Hollandaise sauce

    I had a friend who used to say "Every thing's better with beer" well...

    A few days ago I had an artichoke and instead of making a lemon butter sauce I made some Hollandaise sauce.
    It tasted great but I still had almost a cup of sauce left. The next morning I made an omelet with the left over egg whites and put some sauce on it. Then at dinner over Mahi Mahi. It wasn't bad over chicken, salmon, steamed baby bok choy, and a little bit on not very sweet strawberries made them sweeter.
    I am starting to consider all sorts of uses for it... Can you imagine how much slippery the food scene in 9 1/2 weeks would be if they had used Hollandaise sauce as well?