Monday, November 26, 2007

I am no longer a prime number

Did you know that in 1789 by United States President George Washington named November 26 as Thanksgiving Day?

I was born on Thanksgiving on November 26! 

The other day a certain sm and I were discussing how often my birthday falls on Thanksgiving, I thought every 9 yrs. or maybe swing between 5 and 9 but I was wrong!

November 26 falls on Thursday in 1998, 2009, 2015, 2020, 2026, 2037, 2043
so 2049, next?  nope.  I am too sleepy to follow it through.   If anyone knows a nifty algorithm, please post it.

Meanwhile I am having a birthday ginger biscuit and then off to bed!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday, Dear S -
Happy Birthday to You!

Lots of virtual xoxo's and lots and lots of love and best wishes!

When may we come over to wish you happy birthday and give you the gifties? :)


Laurie said...

Happy Birthday!

Want to hear something weird? Your birthday occasionally falls on Thanksgiving, my birthday occasionally falls on Labor Day and Poodles' birthday is on New Year's Day.

SM/Fluffy/Jack sure has a some special friends. :)

Susan in St. Paul said...

Thanks C- they were nice gifties!

That is weird Laurie! He is so lucky to have us ;)