Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Recently I purchased a new publication from someone I know professionally and usually see about once a year.  I was reading this a couple weeks ago and something about some of it felt very familiar.  Today it dawned on my where it might have come from and I looked it up. 

The pages I was wondering about are pretty identical to a magazine article published in December 2004.  The article is not long available on line without paying serious money but I have a copy of it.  Some of it is copied word for word and what is even worse that part of the article is describing another person's methodology which was properly credited in the magazine article.  There are a couple people who worked on this publication so maybe the credit got removed during editing or something.

So I am not sure what to do, but I need to do something.  Any ideas?


Laurie said...

That was all very confusing to me but you should definitely say something to somebody. What you should say and to whom you should say it are out of my area of expertise or lack thereof.

Mommy said...

That's pretty serious. I'd call the publishing company for starters. Maybe call a rival publication. Ooooh! The scandal! :)

Susan in St. Paul said...

Well, Jen if I wasn't currently unemployed I might do exactly that.

However if I stay in this industry, outing one of the shining stars of will not get me many brownie points in my job hunting.

Mommy said...

Of course the decision is completely up to you, but if it were me - job search or not - I might think about the fact that someone is compromising the journalistic integrity of their publication. I can't say I wouldn't NOT report it. A shining star? Even the likes of them burn out eventually.

Laurie said...

Doesn't sound very shiny to me. You might be able to advance to even greater heights in your career due to the respect gained from the sort of people who will appreciate your integrity for taking on a hot shot in your industry.

Anonymous said...

Have you considered talking to shining-star herself? Given your networking in this industry (and I think I know which one), your points about potential jobs could get sticky if you just outed her.

On the other hand, if she's like a couple of my neighbors, you just might get egged by mentioning it to her.

Oy, so fun. :|

Be happy to rl talk about it, too, if that'd help.