Thursday, May 31, 2007

Death at a Funeral

Last night I saw the new movie, Death at a Funeral
While watching it I did not look at my watch, check my phone, send txt msgs, get up for water, candy, bathroom, disturb other movie goers or rearrange my possessions. I might have squirmed but I am not good at sitting still even when I am at full attention and I was at full attention watching this action packed film.

Death at a Funeral is a British farce is directed by Frank Oz. It starts out simply as everyone gathering for a funeral and then dissolves in to madness. There are lots of possible victims.  It has drugs, violence, sex, nudity, dysfunctional relationships, bad language, love, secrets, a bit of really gross humor, beautiful setting, strange characters, and a relatively happy ending-at least for the living.  I don't want to say much more for fear of giving the plot away except that I recommend people go see it.

The US release date is June 29, 2007.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

I'll have to check that one out.