Sunday, July 17, 2005

Ever wonder what happens when you send chocolates in the summer?

Today, at work, I found a large package sitting on my chair from Lindt USA. Fragile and next day air stamped on it. Oh Chocolates!!!!!!
I opened the box, and found an ice chest inside with still cold ice packs! Bubble wrap with a 85% cocoa dark chocolate bar inside, and the huge Ultimate bag of truffles.
Absolutely perfect, even though it had sat overnight in a UPS truck oven.
So now I have an incredible strong, like expresso, chocolate bar, tons of truffles, and a new cute little ice chest for the car.
It seemed a bit strange to me, not what I expected, exceedingly generous, but very nice just the same.

Astrid made this comment,
So how much of your chocolate bar and truffles is left today? Don't tell me your dog ate it all!!!

Susan made this comment,
Well no truffles are left and about 86% of the chocoale bar is still in my refrigerator. In my defense, there were 5 flavors of truffles and I gave away the white chocolate and peanut butter flavors to friends, so I only ate 3/5 of the bag. I ate the last 2 truffles yesterday. No dog to eat it, besides isn't chocolate poisonous to dogs?

traceofbliss made this comment,
Mmmm... you just gave me the HUGES chocolate craving I've ever had. And I LOVE dark chocolate truffles. Mmm..... Thanks... I must run off to hunt me down some brown, delicious candy like morsels.

Susan made this comment,
I don't want to ruin anyone's life, but I found this cool new dipping chocolate. Its called Baker's Dipping Chocolate and it comes in dark and milk. kers_dipping_choc.html All you do is microwave it until it melts, whisk it until the chocolate is smooth and glossy, and start dipping. Yesterday I dipped a few strawberries and a banana, its is great. It keeps for 2 weeks in your frig. Some tips-refrigerate the the dipped items until they look kind of matte, that is what they look like when the chocolate is hardened, also put the dipped items on parchment paper, its easier to remove them. This stuff is amazing, much easier than the standard method.

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