Monday, March 12, 2007

Looking for a new place to blog for free

Recieved this when I logged in:


Regarding your Free Blogging Account

We are no longer offering free blogging accounts.

Your blog will therefore expire at the end of the year.

Instead we are offering a 30-day free trial of our new updated software, to which you are welcome to try out. If you do decide to keep your trial site we can migrate your existing entries from this site over to your new site.

31st Dec 2007"

I hate change like this. If anyone can recommend a nice place to blog, where I can put up pictures and no changes...

First the tightcircle went pay only and I did for 2 yrs, then it went downhill fast, now blog-city, oh well...

Jack made this comment,
Blogger is still free, and since it seems to have been acquired by Google, I expect it will stay that way. Picture posting and unwanted changes aren't a problem. Or at least they haven't been so far.
comment added :: {ts '2007-03-13 07:37:21'} GMT-06 ::

Laurie made this comment,
I haven't had any problems with Blogger at all.

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