Friday, November 5, 2004
Quiet before the storm
My house is a mess, at the moment and I don't know where the stuff for the show is. I am sure it will all be alright in the end. I find myself thinking that somehow eventually everything will be alright a lot these days because the alternative is too much.
I am so sleepy but I don't really sleep, which I am sure doesn't help.
nr-week 17!
Wednesday, September 8, 2004
A day off?
Instead I slept in a bit, took a long shower, read a magazine, chatted on line and not much else. It is now 1:30, movie at 4:10, I guess a walk to the po and then the movie. I could clean after the movie, I guess.
I also played with my new gmail account this morning. I think I will really like this. It tracks conversations. If I get 200 posts a day from the asml, it won't matter.
Okay off to start my abbreviated day.
nr-week 9
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Comtemplating Widow's walks
I am starting to understand widow's walks. As a child they always fascinated me, when I would be in old houses I would race up to them and look out to the sea wondering why someone would use them. I figured a long once a day would be enough, the idea of pacing or spending time watching seemed so foreign to me.
I am not sure I really had that concept of that kind of the unknown before. The concept of knowing that someone wants to come home, they are trying their hardest to come home, not knowing when it would happen and trying not to think that it might not ever happen while being realistic about the dangers of the voyage.
It is kind of a semi secure helplessness. The security is in knowing their intentions. The helplessness is knowing that there is nothing you can do once they are gone, you just must wait and have some sort of faith/hope/belief that they will return in one piece.
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
The Empire that was Russia-Aug 17, 2004
A few weeks ago instead of doing what I was planning to do, I was exploring The Empire that was Russia. The photographs of Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944) offer a vivid portrait of a lost world--the Russian Empire on the eve of World War I and the coming revolution. His subjects ranged from the medieval churches and monasteries of old Russia, to the railroads and factories of an emerging industrial power, to the daily life and work of Russia's diverse population.
These photos have been gone under Digichromatography, a color rendering process. The original photographer shot them 3 times to present a kind of 3 color processing effect when he projected them. Very interesting if you've ever processed film.
It is just fascinating! I like the above photo for some strange reason, maybe because I wish my collection (aka stash) was as neat and tidy.
Saturday, July 31, 2004
Politics-Architects, wheelchairs and stem cells
The interviewer asked many questions about it but the things that stuck me most were:
his talk about pain, always being in pain and his never having considered that. I wonder how many in the audience have any idea what that means?
his wanting to be whole again-a concept that I and my friends sometimes refer to as being real, doing what real people do. 24/7 pain and being real, welcome to our world, Mr. Graves.
Michael Graves is in a wheelchair and he said something about not realizing how much of his work involves movement, that he can't get to things. I think that every architect, every interior designer should spend some time in a chair, checking out their design.
When asked about his future, he said he put his hope in stem cells, after the election.
If only every person effected by with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, advanced kidney cancer, lymphoma; Leukemia; Lymphoma; myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative diseases, various other cancers including the one my brother had-astrocytoma, ... anyway, if only everyone whose life could be spared or improved by unlimited lines of stem cells voted along stem cell lines, we could change the world. Maybe ru486 could be released for tumor treatment too.
In the beginning
I have been thinking a lot about relationships recently. I am 44 and I have had and continue to have an assortment of non-traditional relationships, and I have always been comfortable with that. Over the past year and a half, I have found myself as an observer of or participant in relationships I have never considered before. This is puzzling and confusing at times.